Dec 19, 2008


Hi all. I am writing this mail not to talk about the chaos that is happening around us and I certainly not wanting to talk about that. I am writing this mail to tell you Guys that 'lets live life'...I mean really just LIVE-OUR-LIVES. I think that's what we ask probably from God (or some power that we cant/don't want to name it), from people around us...from every body. We here just need this nothing more we ask. We want to survive by placing behind us all the chaos and madness around us. We try to survive for our own good. There's is absolutely nothing selfish about it. We are after all mere animals...better social animals...No I am not using it in a sarcastic way or a derogatory way. It's just the way we Humans are. There's nothing wrong about and there is no need to feel any guilt about being selfish. 'We-Just-Wanna-Live'. But....I am sure you guys were expecting what is this guy talking about and surly felt the urge to say I know it...I know there will be a But...'Here we go again' kind of that attitude. Well I am not deferring from any of the above said things that I just wanna live. Not only that I am also adding that I wanna live for a longer time. I want my children, my grandchildren and their grand children to live the way they want. Except when I think of the future it is very dark for everyone because we have a job to do, a responsibility to be accounted for. And we have utterly failed in that so far being just UNAWARE. It is about taking care of the place we live in. No rather the place You…each of You live in. Really what have I don't for the place I live in…No I am not talking about the city I live in…I am talking about the Earth we live in. And we don't have to do anything great live moving the mountains but just make a habit to follow few things. And that is the least we could do to take care of ourselves. I am forwarding a Poster about Tips to be environment friendly... Read that out loud and I am sure it is not too difficult to follow and you will agree with me on that. So I request you guys to read that and read that fully and start practicing those without fail. If time permits do forward this poster to people who you are in touch with. Do this not to protect the environment, but to help your self and if possible little bit for your brother/sister who you share this wonderful home called Earth. I am sure you will feel proud of yourselves if you are able to follow at least 3/5 of these. And because we are here to live our life and no body is going to do that job for us why don't we live it to the fullest by trying everything we could and feel good for having lived it with no regrets. Besides deep down some where in each of us we always want us human to be more of Social and less of just an animal.

Cheers to life


P.S- I have asked my colleagues to use the image as their desktop wallpaper for a week. Think about it :)


Unknown said...

It's high time we thought of inculcating the good-old Indian value in our children and bring back the rich culture that used to be the object of respect, inspiration, and envy to the rest of the world. We must take action before we all produce another generation of pseudo-western offsprings.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jagan...
For the Splendid article and i did my best in forwarding the page...
hope you do more like this to keep things on an even keel...